Eligibility and Requirements
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Wall & Grand Apartments
Eligibility: Single SIU Carbondale sophomore, junior, senior and graduate students of any age and freshmen age 21 and older.
Elizabeth Apartments
Eligibility: SIU Carbondale single graduate students only
Evergreen Terrace Furnished Housing
Eligibility: Full-time SIU single students, 21 and over.
Evergreen Terrace Graduate & Family Housing
Eligibility: SIU Carbondale students with children, married students, domestic partner students, and single graduate students
Additional Requirements and Restrictions for Evergreen Terrace Graduate and Family Housing
- Students must be enrolled full-time for the first semester for which they are requesting housing.
- Graduate students must complete a minimum of 12 hours per year, including summer.
- Adults and legal dependents must jointly occupy the apartment for at least 20 days per month.
- Married students must provide a certified copy of the Marriage License.
- Students with children must provide a copy of the birth certificate for each child residing in the apartment.
Want to know more?
Domestic Partnership Requirements for Evergreen Terrace
Domestic Partner students include those students who have a certification of civil union pursuant to Illinois law.
- You and your Domestic Partner are each other’s sole partners and intend to remain so indefinitely.
- You and your Domestic Partner are not related by blood closer than permitted by state law for marriage.
- Both you and your Domestic Partner are capable of consenting to the domestic partnership.
- University Housing will be informed of any change in status as partners immediately.
- Neither one will be eligible to have or be a partner in residence for a six-month period following a change in status.
Required documentation include two items from the list below, with a minimum of one of these documents dated at least 6 months prior to application.
- Designation of domestic partner as beneficiary for life insurance.
- Designation of domestic partner as beneficiary for retirement death benefit.
- Designation of domestic partner as primary beneficiary in will by either party.
- Durable property and health care powers of attorney.
- Joint ownership of a motor vehicle.
- Joint checking account or joint credit account.
- Marriage certificate, Civil Union certificate, or equivalent legal documentation.
- Joint lease dated at lease 6 months prior to application.
- Certified birth certificate of child(ren) with both domestic partners listed as parent.
NOTE: Boyfriends/girlfriends are not allowed to reside with our residents. This is grounds for IMMEDIATE eviction.